British food consists of simple dishes with local ingredients. The use of sauces is at large in British cuisine to enhance the flavor. You will also find the touches of Indian spices such as red chilies and turmeric powder. However today there is variety of dishes in British food.
Types of British cuisine:
The British cuisine is very diverse and major categories are
- Anglo Indian cuisine
- English cuisine
- Scottish cuisine
- Welsh cuisine
- Northern Irish cuisine
You will also find the cuisine of overseas territories like British Virgin Islands cuisine and Falkland island cuisine.

Roast lamb
Traditional British food:
The beef, pork, fish and chicken is traditional food. It is usually served with baked potatoes and stirred vegetables. The most common food is
- Fish and chips
- Sandwiches
- Trifle’s
- Roasted chicken or lamb

English Sandwiches
British Sunday lunch:
British Sunday lunch is traditional family affair. Whole family sits together and enjoys the lunch. It is the only day in a week when every member of family can spend time with other members. The Sunday lunch includes
- Roast meats
- Toad in the hole; the sausages cooked in batter
- Cottage pie; its minced meat cooked with vegetables and served with mashed potatoes.
- Pie and mash with parsley liquor; it’s a very traditional east end London meal. It was first made with eels but now it is minced meat with the traditional bright green liquor.
Traditional British drinks:
Tea: British are known as tea drinking nation. The traditional and famous drink is tea. According to an estimate about 165 million cups are being taken every year by British people. The amount of tea imported every year is 144 thousand tons. You can imagine how much they love taking tea. Mostly they drink dark and strong tea but at the same time add lot of milk.
Tea brewing: the tea is mostly brewed in china tea pot with one teaspoon for one person.
Coffee: coffee is also popular drink in the Britain. They drink black coffee mostly and some drink with adding milk.
Wine: wine is another most drinking drink. The wine industry is growing every year.
Food eaten at special festivals in Britain:
Here are some foods that are special to events and festivals.
- Christmas: turkey, vegetables, cranberry sauce and bread sauce
- Bonfire night: jacket potatoes, parkin cake and pies
- Halloween; toffee apples
- May day; puff pastry cakes, almonds and rose water
- Easter day; roasted lamb and chocolate eggs
- Good Friday; hot cross buns and fish
- Shrove Tuesday; pancakes

Toffee apples
Cheese in British food:
Cheeses are very important component for every household. People enjoyed cheese with nay thing they eat. Most famous is the cheddar cheese which is enjoyed by 75% of population.
Variety of chesses’:
There are almost 400 varieties of cheese which are prevailing in the British cuisines. The famous are
- Cheddar
- Stilton
- Red Leicester
- Cheshire
- Double Gloucester
- Somerset Brie
- Camembert
Eating etiquettes in Britain:
British eating etiquettes have some do’s and don’ts. They are
- Eat with knife and fork
- Do not eat until your hosts starts and indicate you to go
- Chew and swallow all the food before taking more
- Do not chew with open mouth
- Do not put your elbows on the table when you are eating. It is impolite.
These are some special features of British food which I had shared with you. Enjoy the food when you are there.
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