Situated in the Netherlands, in South Holland, The Hague is quite a conservative city, renowned for its many international companies, institutions and embassies. This town is home to the Dutch government and parliament, and also to a couple of exciting seaside resorts: Kijkduin, and the most popular one in Netherlands, Scheveningen.
The Hague lacks the busyness, freedom and excitement that describe Amsterdam so well, being far better appreciated by expatriates rather than tourists. It is the kind of city that attracts people looking for better jobs, its stiff vibe being also explained by the numerous international courts scattered throughout the city.

The town may not be as popular, colourful and edgy as other Dutch cities, but it is significantly wealthy, its canal-free streets give the place a more continental look and it abounds in multicultural assets, fabulous shopping spots and 18 to 19th-century architecture. The latter is also fascinatingly represented by highly modern developments, giving The Hague a current architectural charm.
The central area of the town can be easily accessed by foot, and it mesmerizes its visitors with beautiful, historical buildings dating back from medieval to Baroque times, and also chic shopping boutiques and outdoor cafes.
The Statenkwartier area is another spot worth visiting, its local charm being enhanced by architectural variety, amazing shops, restaurants and numerous tourist attractions.
For those who appreciate a great meal, The Hague tempts visitors with incredible Indonesian cuisine, as well as dishes belonging to the colonial Dutch-Indies traditional cooking. And if you were curious, yes, cannabis is tolerated in The Hague, and can be consumed in the city’s numerous low-price coffee shops.