Monday, September 9 2024

Behind the Leeds Castle is a lot of history from the past centuries. It was the home for the medieval Queen, a palace for Henry VIII and his wife Catherine of Aragon, and it was a Jacobean Country House.

During the 20th century it was used as a retreat for people that were famous, and now that it is the 21st century it is known to be very popular place among tourists in the UK.

The castle, known to be the first stone castle in Britain, was built for the reign of William the Conqueror’s son Henry I on an island in the River Len. About a half a century later, in 1278, the Queen Eleanor of Castile took over the possession of the castle.

For 300 hundred years it remained a place of residence for the royal family; it was a private home. For four centuries the property was handed down through inheritance or through purchase within the same families that occupied it.

Leeds Castle Kent photo
Photo by byb64

Leeds Castle, Kent

During 1926 the castle was sold for the purpose of paying death penalties to an Anglo-American heiress who became the Hon later on.

The main building of the castle was located on two smaller islands. Some of the domestic buildings were located in Bailey on the larger island which was connected with a draw bridge over a ditch that is filled with water.

Those that have studied the development of the castle aren’t quite certain about whether or not the Crevecoeur family finished the entire thing alone or if someone else continued the development.


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