Tuesday, September 10 2024

The village of Muntić is located in southeastern Istria and is only a 9 kilometer ride from the major city of Pula. The village is located on top of a hill and overlooks the beautiful green countryside in all direction. Since the prehistoric times, the area where Muntić sits today has been inhabited off and on. There are many ancient artifacts that have been uncovered in the area dating back to the stone and bronze ages. The major discoveries in and around Muntić are from the Roman Era where the region saw great prosperity under Roman rule.

During the 16th century, as a result of the plague, the region was abandoned and was left uninhabited for hundreds of years until Croatian refugees started calling the area their new home. However, much of that which was built during the 12th to 14th century was left fully intact. Today, many churches and other structures dating back to the medieval times can still be seen standing fully intact. Others have since fallen and now are in ruins.

The village of Muntić is known for its music, many of the finest Istrian singers and musicians have called the village their home and birthplace. Up until recently, the village was also home to a local football club which was fairly active. Today however, there are no active members of the local football club.

While being a small and sleepy town, there are still a number of things to do in and around Muntić. However, if you do find yourself getting bored, you can always catch a ride with anyone of the locals who spend most of their days working in the city of Pula. There you will find an amazing abundance of nightlife to keep you busy and well-entertained throughout the length of your vacation.

Photo by val’dragon





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