Tuesday, September 10 2024

Notre-Dame (Paris) is a cathedral church that is located in Paris. It is also described as a noble achievement belonging to the country’s early Gothic architecture. The cathedral stands upon an island that is within the Seine. The laying of its cornerstone was in 1163 and was by Pope Alexander III. The consecration of its high altar was 20 years later. The nave was constructed until it was completed but the roofing was completed in 1196. In 1230, there was the reconstruction of the nave and the flying buttresses that can be seen today were added. Later, the installation of the chapels was done between the buttresses. This altered the entire aesthetics and plan of the building.

The completion of the towers was in 1245, although it was not until the 14th century that the building was completed. Jehan de Chilles, Pierre de Chilles, Jehan Rave, and Pierre de Montreuil were some of the master builders. The building plan features a central nave that is wide, and one that rises 110 ft hi. The Nave is also flanked by aisles and there is the transept that is that projects from the main body, slightly.

Photo by julkiev

Notre Dame de Paris

Around the end that is to the east, one can see the isles. The isles form a chevet with the shapes which are projecting .there is a deep recession of three sculptured portals, in the west from which is majestic. Above the portal, there are sculptures that are in a row. These sculptures are in niches and they extend across the façade. Over this and in the centre you will see a traceries rose window that is huge. During the French Revolution, the rioters made this cathedral a”Temple of Reason”. They destroyed the west façade’s sculptures. In 1845, Viollet-le-Duc began skillful restorations. He removed the remaining decoration and this resulted to the cathedral’s original gothic state being restored.

Notre Dame Paris as one for buildings globally, that used the flying buttress before they were known. However, according to the original building, they were not to be installed. They are among the additions that were made during the construction. Chimeras and gargoyles were among the additions. Originally, they were colored but currently the paint appears to have worn off. The grey stones that you see today were covered using vivid colors at one point.
Globally, Notre-Dame is seen as the gothic cathedral that is most stunning. It is also the one that enjoys most popularity. However, there is a period for which it was neglected, but in the 19th century, it managed to recapture the popular imagination.

The cathedral has dramatic towers, stained glass, spire, and a sanctuary, all which are outstanding. As a visitor, you have the chance of digging deeper in an archeological crypt. When you climb the North tower, you will have a perspective of Paris. The location of this cathedral is central and is the area of Paris where the left and the right banks of the city are divided. The Seine River surrounds this area which is called Ile de la Cite.

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