Rías Altas are actually fjord looking inlets that cuts deep into the regions land in northern Spain extending all the way into the northeast areas of La Coruna. Some of the main inlets include Betanzos, rias of La Coruna, El Ferrol, Ares, Ortiguera and Cedeira. Honestly speaking, other parts that are regarded as Rías Altas include the cost stretch between Ribadeo and Viveiro located in the province of Lugo.
A major town in Rías Altas is the Spanish town of Puentedeume which in addition to being a port town is also a fishing area. This town is actually popular as the seat of the popular and powerful Andrade princely family. The castle build here in the 14th century now stands as single stand alone tower. The town derives its name from the famous bridge that was built on Rio Eume by 14th century. A major attraction in Puentedeume is Santiago church which is the home to the grave of the popular Count Fernando de Andrade.
Ria de Cedeira, Rias Altas, Spain
From Puentedeume, travelers can take an excursion and visit Caaveiro ruins in Convento de Caaveiro that came into existence around the 10th century. Another interesting excursion for visitors to Rías Altas is Monasterio de Monfero and although the monastery was founded in 12th Century, it was never built until the 17th century. The large church is impressively built and decorated with checkerboard pattern. The tomb has the tombs of Moscoso and Andrade families alongside a cloister built in the 16th century.
Another area of Rías Altas is El Ferrol, Spain that you can travel from Puentedeume through the northern roads as you enjoy the beautiful Cabanas, which is a sea side resort on the way. El Ferrol is typically an industrial town which is perhaps popular for as major naval base in Spain on Atlantic Ocean and for its spectacular shipyards. The old town in the proximity of the commercial harbor makes the town a major tourism destination area and also includes the massively built fortifications. From here, travelers can then travel to the beautiful town of Cedeira that houses the wonderful Rías Altas beaches. Travelers can enjoy all the beach excursions and water sports such as canoeing, surfing and fishing in the clear waters.
Sierra de la Capelada is a difficult road in Rías Altas that tourists take when travelling to Ortigueira Spain. The rugged and rough nature of the road is what perhaps interests visitors and they can also the San Andres pilgrimage chapel located along the way. The little fishing town of Ortiguera in Rías Altas is also notable for its rather beautiful golden beaches. Additionally, Rías Altas is also a region rich with musical events and fiestas. The Celtic music Festival is perhaps the most known of these and attracts visitors and musicians all the way from Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Some of the mostly used instruments during the festival include the gaita and Galician bagpipes. Generall, Rías Altas experiences warm summers and mild winters which makes the environment conducive for major touristic events and activities.