The Queen Elizabeth Castle of Mey Trust or shortly Castle of Mey was constructed for George’s son William Sinclair. It was built in 1573 and it was known as Girnigoe Castle. Not too long after it was built William was killed by his brother John who was imprisoned in the castle for six years by his father. John was planning an escape but William found about escape and reported it to his father. Upon finding out about the escape and knowing that John had murdered William, he was also murdered.
After this incident had occurred, the 3rd son, George Sinclair was given custody of the castle. George Sinclair founded the Sinclair family of Mey. The name of the castle was changed to Barrogill Castle.
Later the castle became the seat of Earls of Caithness for the next 100 years. In the year of 1819 Earl the 8th hired an architect by the name of William Burn to alter the way the castle looked. During this time the grand entrance and the dining hall of the castle were added.
George the 15th later died when he was 30 years old and had no wife or children to leave the castle to so he left it to his friend, F G Heathcote. However he would only leave it to him if he changed his last name to Sinclair. It was then later sold to captain F B Imbert-Terry, who later sold it to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth in the year of 1952.
Photo by Robi Fav